Online CV | |
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Atanas Terziyski, PhD PGP-Key Fingerprint: AE51 2A62 FCBE 5E15 C19F 56CD ECC5 2186 0455 9912 |
Born | October, 1974 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria |
Nationality | Bulgarian |
Address | University of Plovdiv, Tsar Assen 24 Str., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria |
Contacts | atanas at uni-plovdiv net |
icq: 17672467 or 16659520 | |
skype: atanas.terziyski | |
telegram: atanasterziyski | |
phone: +359TTTP1P1G1 (mobile), +35932261449 (work) | |
blog: (in Bulgarian) | |
LinkedIn: | |
ORCID: | |
Researcher ID: | |
Scopus ID: | |
Google Scholar: | |
Current Employment | University of Plovdiv, Faculty of Chemistry |
Recommendations | Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reinhard Zellner |
Prof. Dr. G. Andreev, Dr. Sci. Chem. | |
Projects | 2021 - 2022, University of Plovdiv Scientific Fund (FP21-HF001), Radon Map of Bulgaria |
2019 - 2020, University of Plovdiv Scientific Fund (FP19-HF001), Open Environmental Monitoring Network | |
2010 - 2013, National Science Fund - Ministry of Education and Science (Young Researchers), Modeling of Sorption Processes Occurring in the Atmosphere | |
2007 - 2009, NATO PDD(CP)-(CBP.EAP.RIG 982653), Modelling of Physical and Chemical Processes in Flow Reactors | |
Participated in: GEANT | 6DEPLOY | 6DISS | SEEREN2 | BioSupport | MADARA | METER.AC | |
Education | June, 2009, CERT/CLOSER meeting, Chisinau, Moldova |
November, 2007 RIPE: LIR Training Course, Sofia, Bulgaria | |
July, 2007 TRANSITS CSIRT Training, Sofia, Bulgaria | |
November, 2006 Training course on EGGE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE) Institute for Parallel Processing, BAS, Sofia, (1) Induction to GRID computing and EGEE project; (2) gLite middleware Application Development Course. | |
October, 2006 6DISS Training the Trainers Workshop, Brussels, Belgium | |
September, 2006 SEEREN2 Summer School in Crete, Greece | |
2001 - 2006 PhD in Chemistry (Atmospheric Chemistry), University of Duisburg - Essen, Germany | |
1997 - 1998 Army hospital assistant - Military hospital Ruse | |
1992 - 1997 University of Plovdiv - Master's degree in chemistry | |
1988 - 1992 School of mathematics in Plovdiv | |
1981 - 1988 Base Education | |
Experience 1 | Heterogeneous reactions, Flow reactors, Modelling, Spectroscopy |
Experience 2 | Informational technology, Network engineering |
Patents | Applicants: University of Plovdiv and A. Terziyski, Inventors: A. Terziyski and S. Tenev, Utility model: Application number 5700, Patent number 4452, 16.03.2023, Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria [certificate] |
Applicants: University of Plovdiv, A. Terziyski, Inventors: A. Terziyski, S. Tenev, I. Kostova, Utility model: Application number 5005, Patent number 3806, 15.06.2020, Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria [certificate] [+3years] | |
Publications | E. Oynakov, A. Terziyski, I. Aleksandrova, A Study on the Relationship Between Radon Volume Activity in the Surface Atmosphere and Seismic Activity in the Year 2022 Using METER.AC Open Network Data, In: Dobrinkova, N., Fidanova, S. (eds) Environmental Protection and Disaster Risks (EnviroRisks 2024). EnviroRISKs 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 883. Springer, Cham., 2024, [download] | E. Doychev, A. Terziyski, S. Tenev, A. Stoyanova-Doycheva, V. Ivanova, P. Atanasova, Architecture and Data Knowledge of the Regional Data Center for Intelligent Agriculture. Information 2023, 14, 233. [download] | A. Terziyski, L. Tsankov, S. Tenev, V. Jeliazkov, Feasibility of in situ radon monitoring using common gm counters, RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 6, 2022, pp. 21–25, doi: 10.21175/RadProc.2022.04, [download] |
G. Gochev, S. Enkov, E. Doychev, and A. Terziyski, Challenges in collecting and transmitting data from resource-constrained IoT devices, AIP Conference Proceedings 2449, 040003, 2022, doi: 10.1063/5.0090650. [download] | |
A. Terziyski, S. Tenev, L. Tsankov and V. Jeliazkov, Beta and Gamma Rays Evaluation Gauge, 2022 22nd International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA), 2022, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/SIELA54794.2022.9845742. [download] | |
A. Terziyski, S. Tenev, V. Jeliazkov and N. Petrov, UV Radiation Monitoring Probe, 2022 22nd International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA), 2022, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/SIELA54794.2022.9845750.[download] | |
A. Terziyski, The Abuse of Statistics - a Path to Slavery, Svoboda za vseki, p. 35, 58, 2021. [download] | |
E. Doychev, A. Terziyski, P. Atanasova, O. Rahneva, V. Ivanova and A. Stoyanova-Doycheva, A Regional Data Center for Intelligent Agriculture, 2021 Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering (BdKCSE), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/BdKCSE53180.2021.9627285. [download] | |
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, Science or Ideology, Svoboda za vseki, p. 29, 57, 2021. [download] | |
N. Kochev, A. Terziyski, Science - the New God, Svoboda za vseki, p. 26, 56, 2020. [download] | |
A. Terziyski, S. Tenev, V. Jeliazkov, A Multisensor Environmental Monitoring Device, 2020 21st International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus & Technologies (SIELA), Bourgas, Bulgaria, 2020, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/SIELA49118.2020.9167052 [download] | |
A. Terziyski, S. Tenev, V. Jeliazkov, Radon Concentration Gauge, 2020 21st International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus & Technologies (SIELA), Bourgas, Bulgaria, 2020, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/SIELA49118.2020.9167075 [download] | |
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, S. Tenev, Dynamics of Science – Theology Interactions, Nauka, 2/2020, XXX, pp. 50-55, 2020 [download] | |
A. Terziyski, S. Tenev, V. Jeliazkov, N. Jeliazkova, N. Kochev, METER.AC: Live Open Access Atmospheric Monitoring Data for Bulgaria with High Spatiotemporal Resolution. Data 2020, 5, 36. [download] | |
V. Paskaleva, A. Terziyski, Open environmental monitoring network - data analysis, Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria - Plovdiv. Series C. Technics and Technologies. Vol. XVIII, ISSN 1311 -9419 (Print); ISSN 2534-9384 (Online), 2020. [download] | |
A. Terziyski, S. Tenev, V. Jeliazkov, N. Kochev, G. Dimitrov, N. Jeliazkova, L. Iliev, Ch. Angelov, I. Kalapov, T. Arsov, • Balloon-borne measurements in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere above Bulgaria (N41-43° E24-26°), Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 51, Pages 153-157, 2019. [download] | |
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, S. Tenev, Dynamics of Science-Religion Interactions: practical, social and political implications, Svoboda za vseki, p. 35, 53, 2019. | |
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, V. Paskaleva, Moodle based electronic content for students in computer chemistry, Third Millennium Media Publications, 26-28 March 2014, 311-318, ISBN: 0-9545660-2-5. [download] | |
E. Doychev, A. Terziyski, An internal authorization system and its application for a trusted access to academic services, Third Millennium Media Publications, 26-28 March 2014, 145-152, ISBN: 0-9545660-2-5. [download] | |
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, V. Paskaleva, Sensitivity analysis of the simulation algorithms of three-phase mass transition processes, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Sept. 2013, vol. XVI, 219-222, ISSN 1311-9419. | |
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, V. Paskaleva, Theoretical studies of simultaneous adsorption with diffusion of acetic acid on ice based on experimental data from flow reactors, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Sept. 2013, vol. XVI, 227-230, ISSN 1311-9419. | |
N. Kochev, A. Terziyski, M. Milev, Numerical Modeling of Three-Phase Mass Transition with an Application in Atmospheric Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, 2013, Vol. 4, No. 8A, pp. 100-106, doi: 10.4236/am.2013.48A014 [download] | |
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, Distributed Software System for Data Evaluation and Numerical Simulations of Atmospheric Processes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Title: Numerical Methods and Applications), 2011, Volume 6046/2011, 182-189, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-18466-6_21. [download] | |
A. Terziyski, Deliverable D2.1.3: Report of 3th Deployment Case Study, 6DEPLOY Consortium, 2010. [download] | |
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, Data Evaluation and Computer Simulations of Atmospheric Processes, Journal of International Scientific Publications, Issue Ecology & Safety; Volume 3, 2009, 547-556, ISSN 1313-2563. [download] | |
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, Modelling Of Surface And Bulk Processes In The Atmosphere, Journal of International Scientific Publications, Issue Ecology & Safety; Volume 2, 2008, 341-357, ISSN 1313-2563. [download] | |
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, Simulations of Adsorption with Simultaneous Ice Bulk Diffusion in a Closed System, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, 16 Nov 2007, ISSN 1311-9419. | |
Behr, P., A. Terziyski, R. Zellner, Z., Acetone Adsorption on Ice Surfaces in the Temperature Range T = 190-220 K: Evidence for Aging Effects Due to Crystallographic Changes of the Adsorption Sites, J. Phys. Chem. A, 110 (26), 8098-8107 (2006). [download] | |
A. Terziyski, Experimental and modelling studies of the adsorption of acetone on ice surfaces at temperatures around 200 K, Duisburg-Essen University Library (DuEPublico), 2006, Document 13087. [download] | |
Terziyski, A, P. Behr, R. Zellner, Modeling of adsorption and desorption processes in coated wall flow tube reactors, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Plovdiv, Scientific Works - Chemistry, vol. 32, book 5, (2004), 31-38. | |
Behr, P., U. Scharfenort, A. Terziyski, R. Zellner, Thermodynamics of the interaction of acetone and acetic acid with ice surfaces at temperatures between 190 and 223 K, Torus Press (2004). [abstract] | |
Behr, P., A. Terziyski, R. Zellner, Z., Reversible Gas Adsorption in Coated Wall Flow Tube Reactors. Model Simulations for Langmuir Kinetics. Z. Phys. Chem. 218 (2004) 1307-1327. [download] | |
P. Behr, K. Demiral, U. Scharfenort, A. Terziyski, and R. Zellner, Uptake Kinetics of Oxygenated Organics on Ice Surfaces (HEP16), Chemical Mechanism Development, EC / EUROTRAC-2 Joint Workshop "Shaping the Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research in Europe" - Proceedings, Paris, 9-11 September. 247-251 (2002). [download] | |
Kochev, N. T., P. N. Penchev, A. Terziyski, G. N. Andreev, Software Approaches for Structure Information Acquisition and Training of Chemistry Students. Intern. J. Information Theories&Applications, 8(4), 199-206 (2001). [download] | |
Conferences | A. Terziyski, L. Tsankov, S. Tenev, V. Jeliazkov, Feasibility of in situ radon monitoring using common GM counters, International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research, June 13-17, 2022, Montenegro [download] [poster] | G. Dimitrov, S. Tenev, I. Kostova, V. Paskaleva, O. Pukalov, S. Tsoneva, L. Kaynarova, G. Patronov, V. Delchev, P. Penchev, N. Kochev, A. Terziyski, Open environmental monitoring network - proof of concept, ACM2, Thermo Fisher Scientific and Miles seminar at the University of Plovdiv, 2019. [poster] [booklet] |
Paskaleva, V., Terziyski, A., Kochev, N., Pukalov, O., Dimitrov, G., Tenev, S., Kostova, I., Tsoneva, S., Kaynarova, L., Patronov, G., Delchev, V., & Penchev, P. (2019). OPEN ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING NETWORK. DATA ANALYSIS. Anniversary Scientific Session “DAYS OF SCIENCE - 2019”, Dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the Union of Scientists in Plovdiv, 31 October - 1 November 2019, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. | |
Atanas Terziyski, Nikolay Kochev and Stoyan Tenev, Dynamics of Science - Religion Interactions: practical, social and political implicationsInternational Conference, "PHYSICS AND THEOLOGY – YESTERDAY AND TODAY", 20-22 June 2019, Plovdiv | |
Atanas Terziyski, Stoyan Tenev, Vedrin Jeliazkov, Nikolay Kochev, Georgi Dimitrov, Nina Jeliazkova, Luchesar Iliev, Christo Angelov, Ivo Kalapov, Todor Arsov, Balloon-borne measurements in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere above Bulgaria (N41-43° E24-26°), 11-th Chemistry Conference (11CC), 11-13 October 20, Plovdiv, Bulgaria [download presentation, certificate] | |
Vesselina Paskaleva, Nikolay Kochev, Ognyan Pokalov, Atanas Terziyski and Nina Jeliazkova, Ambit-Tautomer Ranking System: Analysis and optimization. Part I. Speed optimization of the tautomer generation process and filtering methods, VI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS, UNION OF SCIENTISTS IN BULGARIA - PLOVDIV YOUNG SCIENTISTS CLUB, 11 -13 June 2015, House of Scientists, Plovdiv [download poster, certificate] | |
A. Terziyski, S. Kolev, Large Scale Wireless Roaming Infrastructure in Bulgaria: eduroam and net365, The third South East Europe (SEE 3)/RIPE NCC Regional Meeting, 14-15 April, Sofia, Bulgaria (2014) [link] [download] | |
N. Kochev, A. Terziyski, A Software Tool for Modelling of Three-Phase Mass Transition with an Application in Atmospheric Chemistry, Fifth Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applications, Lozenetz, Bulgaria, June (2012) [link] | |
A. Terziyski, P. Scheiff, N. Kochev, R. Nehme, P. Behr, and R. Zellner, A Dynamical Model for Surface Adsorption / Bulk Penetration of Acetic Acid on / into Ice Surfaces in Coated Wall Flow Reactors, 22nd International Symposium on Gas Kinetics, Boulder, Colorado, USA, June (2012) [download] | |
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, Distributed Software System for Data Evaluation, Analysis and Numerical Simulations of Physicochemical Processes Ocurring in the Atmosphere, Closing Conference - MADARA Project, Sofia, Bulgaria (2011) [download] | |
A. Terziyski, P. Behr, U. Scharfenort, R. Zellner, Adsorption of Acetone on Ice at Temperatures between 188 and 223 K: Thermodynamic Data and Kinetic Model Simulation, Bunsentagung Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany (2005) | |
P. Behr, U. Scharfenort, A. Terziyski, G.M. Nathanson, R. Zellner, Dynamik der Streuung monoenergetischer HCl und HBr-Molekuele an fluessigen Schwefelsaeure/Wasser-Oberflaechen zwischen 213 und 238 K, Bunsentagung Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany (2005). | |
P. Behr, U. Scharfenort , A. Terziyski, R. Zellner, Adsorptions/Desorptions-Kinetik von Aceton auf Eisoberfl¨achen bei Temperaturen um 200 K. Experiment und nummerische Simulation., Bunsentagung Meeting, Dresden (Germany) (2004). [info] | |
P. Behr, U. Scharfenort, A. Terziyski, K. Demiral, R. Zellner, Thermodynamics and kinetics of the interaction of acetone and acetic acid with ice surfaces at temperatures of 190-220 K, International Symposium on Combustion and Atmospheric Pollution, St. Petersburg (Russia), 8-11 July (2003). [info] | |
P. Behr, A. Terziyski, U. Scharfenort, K. Demiral and R. Zellner, Heterogene Wechselwirkung von Aceton und Essigsaeure mit Eisoberflaechen, Bunsentagung Meeting, Kiel (Germany) (2003). [info] | |
U. Scharfenort, P. Behr, A. Terziyski and R. Zellner, Heterogeneous interactions of acetone, ethanol and n-propanol with ice surface between 190-250K, 17th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics, Essen (Germany), August (2002). | |
A. Terziyski, P. Behr, U. Scharfenort and R. Zellner, The interaction of acetic acid with ice surfaces at 198-223K, 17th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics, Essen (Germany), August (2002). | |
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